The Nasom Community: new models of church in multicultural Korea

Seon-Yi Lee’s article explores the Nasom Community for Mongolian Migrants as a potential model for missional church in Korea. Lee teaches Missional Ecclesiology at Honam Theological University and Seminary and uses the Nasom Community as a case study for her students. This motivated her to study the community and the way it engages in mission.

The Nasom Community is a missional church based in Seoul, South Korea that serves the migrant Mongolian community. In her article, Lee argues that “missional churches seek  to  break  down  the  barriers  between  the  church  and  the  world  by  actively  seeking  to  understand  the  needs  and  challenges  facing  their  surrounding  community.”

The Nasom Community provides multi-cultural education, shelter for homeless people, and food. Lee describes Nasom as “a pioneering community that aims for a balance between missionary work and pastoral ministry” that presents “a new model of church in the multicultural era.”

This research utilises literature review, predominantly work by the President of Nasom Community Hae-geun Yoo. Lee also interviewed Hae-geun Yoo and his co-workers at the Nasom Community, which provided her with insights into the operations of the community.

Lee’s research continues! She hopes to study further migrant communities and missional churches within Korea.


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