Pieter Labuschagne’s article The LIMM Model: Paradigm for Missiological Research offers a new approach to missiological research. The LIMM model was designed by the Loyola Institute for Ministry (LIM), with the second ‘M’ referring to missional action. The LIMM model is guided by three key missiological concepts: missio Dei, Christocentricity and contextuality.
Labuschagne hopes this article will strengthen theoretical understandings of how to do missiology. This article was an integrative literature review, meaning it synthesises literature in such a way that creates new frameworks and perspectives.
Labuschagne’s research continues: he hopes to use this model to understand and evaluate his local church’s transition from a programme-based church to a cell church. Labuschagne writes from his office at the South African Theological Seminary, where he is the Head of Course Development.
Read the full article here: https://ecclesialfutures.org/article/view/13329